the foundation

It takes courage, innovation and commitment.

Dr. Erica stands as an eminent change maker and global advocate for the education sector, with a dedicated focus on enhancing teachers’ well-being, fostering their professionaldevelopment, and promoting financial prosperity. Having successfully trained over 1000 teachers and spearheaded numerous district school consultation projects, Dr. Erica has architectured an ecosystem poised to revolutionize the future of education, prioritizing equity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Drawing from her extensive experience as a K12 teacher and professor spanning nearly three decades, Dr. Erica embarked on a transformative journey post-retirement, investing over three years in rigorous research aimed at reshaping the educational landscape.

Her research underscored the pivotal role of empowering teachers through comprehensive skill development and holistic well-being initiatives as the cornerstone for delivering quality education. This approach, endorsed by her RESPECT framework, has garnered widespread adoption by leading district schools nationwide and internationally in the Middle East region. Moreover, Dr. Erica’s innovative vision extends to empowering teachers as education consultants to implement the framework nationwide, fostering positive change in both public and private schools

A sought-after speaker, coach, author, and thought leader, Dr. Erica’s influence transcends boundaries as she inspires resilience and purpose across diverse audiences.

International Speaking Engagements








A Story of Resilience, Survival and Rebirth

Blessed Child:

Dr. Erica’s journey began as the eldest among four siblings, enveloped in the love of her parents and grandparents. Educated in a local school, she bore the weight of high expectations, not only excelling academically but also assuming responsibility for her younger siblings. In the nurturing embrace of her Catholic education, she found strength amidst adversity, instilling in her a resilient value system that guided her through life’s trials.


Over the span of two decades, Dr. Erica weathered a series of personal storms, navigating through periods of profound darkness. From heartbreak and loss to financial turmoil and marital dissolution, she grappled with despair and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the shadows, a beacon of knowledge illuminated her path, culminating in the attainment of her Doctorate, EdD —a testament to her resilience and unwavering resolve


Despite the warmth of her home, high school marked a tumultuous period for Dr. Erica as she found herself ensnared in the clutches of bullying. Like countless others, she endured torment at the hands of her peers, with little recourse from school authorities. Witnessing the systemic failure to address such injustices ignited a spark within her to revolutionize the education system. For five years, she silently observed the shortcomings of school administration and teacher morale, recognizing the pivotal role of motivated educators in effecting meaningful change.

Self Discovery:

As a mother, Dr. Erica embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, guided by an unwavering belief in her purpose. Reflecting on her life’s experiences, she recognized a pattern emerging—a calling to mend the broken and illuminate the path for others. From a young age, she had embraced the role of teacher and mentor, forging her path with an innate desire to effect change. With each challenge she faced, she gleaned valuable insights, paving the way for her ultimate revelation: her mission extended far beyond the confines of the classroom.

A Story of Resilience, Survival and Rebirth

Blessed Child:

Dr. Erica’s journey began as the eldest among four siblings, enveloped in the love of her parents and grandparents. Educated in a local school, she bore the weight of high expectations, not only excelling academically but also assuming responsibility for her younger siblings. In the nurturing embrace of her Catholic education, she found strength amidst adversity, instilling in her a resilient value system that guided her through life’s trials.


Over the span of two decades, Dr. Erica weathered a series of personal storms, navigating through periods of profound darkness. From heartbreak and loss to financial turmoil and marital dissolution, she grappled with despair and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the shadows, a beacon of knowledge illuminated her path, culminating in the attainment of her Doctorate, EdD —a testament to her resilience and unwavering resolve


Despite the warmth of her home, high school marked a tumultuous period for Dr. Erica as she found herself ensnared in the clutches of bullying. Like countless others, she endured torment at the hands of her peers, with little recourse from school authorities. Witnessing the systemic failure to address such injustices ignited a spark within her to revolutionize the education system. For five years, she silently observed the shortcomings of school administration and teacher morale, recognizing the pivotal role of motivated educators in eecting meaningful change.

Self Discovery:

As a mother, Dr. Erica embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, guided by an unwavering belief in her purpose. Reflecting on her life’s experiences, she recognized a pattern emerging—a calling to mend the broken and illuminate the path for others. From a young age, she had embraced the role of teacher and mentor, forging her path with an innate desire to effect change. With each challenge she faced, she gleaned valuable insights, paving the way for her ultimate revelation: her mission extended far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Empowered by her newfound clarity, Dr. Erica embarked on a mission to reshape the future of education, armed with a steadfast determination to address its flaws and illuminate the path for generations to come

My mission is to revolutionize the education system by establishing an inclusive ecosystem that empowers teachers, ensuring their financial prosperity, fostering continuous professional development, and prioritizing holistic well-being.


In 2022, Dr. Erica embarked on a bold journey by founding her inaugural venture, Anchored 2 Teach, LLC, driven by an unwavering mission: to revolutionize the education sector through her innovative frameworks honed over two decades of immersive experience and rigorous research spanning three years.

This endeavor was far from straightforward, demanding unparalleled courage as Dr. Erica invested her life savings and gratuity into the venture. Undeterred by the daunting challenge, she embraced relentless dedication and tireless diligence, reaching out to educational institutions to shatter entrenched barriers and navigate bureaucratic hurdles. Her relentless pursuit aimed to usher schools into a new era of management, one where investments in teacher empowerment, motivation, and support would reign supreme.

The pivotal breakthrough came with her inaugural six-figure deal, a landmark achievement that saw a transformational impact on a district public school in Alabama. This milestone served as irrefutable validation of the practical effcacy of Dr. Erica’s frameworks, delivering tangible, measurable success. Armed with this tangible proof of concept, Dr. Erica’s reputation surged, attracting a deluge of inquiries from schools eager to adopt her transformative methodologies.

With each subsequent engagement, Dr. Erica’s influence expanded, catalyzing a paradigm shift in educational institutions’ policies and processes. Her strategic interventions empowered teachers and elevated educational standards, culminating in commendable achievements and higher ratings for delivering quality education.

Dr. Erica’s pioneering journey with Anchored 2 Teach stands as a testament to her indomitable spirit, visionary leadership, and unwavering commitment to catalyzing positive change in the education sector. As her transformative frameworks continue to gain momentum, the legacy of Anchored 2 Teach is poised to shape the future of education.

Value System

Dr. Erica epitomizes the essence of her value system in every facet of her life and work. With unwavering commitment, she upholds the principles of integrity, empathy, and excellence, guiding her interactions and decisions. Rooted in her value system, Dr. Erica champions empowerment, fostering an environment where every individual feels valued and supported to reach their full potential. She recognizes the profound impact of aligning actions with values, not only in her personal conduct but also in the transformative influence it has on her professional endeavors. Dr. Erica understands that a strong value system serves as a compass, navigating her through challenges and guiding her towards meaningful impact. It is through her steadfast adherence to her values that Dr. Erica not only achieves success but also inspires those around her to strive for greatness.















Personalized Journey to Unleashing Your Creative

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Data-Driven Insights

Data-Driven Insights

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Continuous Support

Continuous Support

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Ethical Practices

Ethical Practices

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Personalized Guidance

Personalized Guidance

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Tune in to Our Podcast, Creators Unplugged

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Transformative Experience Filled with Creativity

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Global Impact

Emerging from humble beginnings in the state of Alabama, our company was founded by a minority professor, a woman of resilience who believed in the power of change. With a mission to revolutionize and perpetuate lasting change within the American education system, we have surpassed expectations through our professional demeanor, robust frameworks, insightful consulting, and unwavering passion for making a difference

Empowered over 10,000 educators through professional development programs.
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Collaborated with over 50 school districts to implement R.E.S.P.E.C.T. framework.
0 +
Developed over 100 innovative teaching strategies customized to teachers and schools that have improved student outcomes in various subjects
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Dr. Erica Expertise

Through her multifaceted expertise, Dr. Erica empowers individuals and organizations to navigate change, unlock their full potential, and achieve sustainable success in the everevolving landscape of education.

Executive Coaching:

Dr. Erica provides expert executive coaching, drawing upon her strong management and leadership qualities to guide leaders in the education sector towards greater effectiveness, resilience, and strategic decision-making.

Personal Growth:

Dr. Erica is dedicated to fostering personal growth and development, offering insightful guidance and support to individuals seeking to enhance their self- awareness, resilience, and adaptability in the face of change.

Education Reform:

As a staunch advocate for gender equality, Dr. Erica champions women’s empowerment initiatives, leveraging her leadership acumen to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in leadership roles across the education sector.

Leadership Development:

With a focus on cultivating leadership excellence, Dr. Erica designs and delivers tailored leadership development programs that foster innovative thinking, effective communication, and inclusive leadership practices.

Women's Empowerment:

As a staunch advocate for gender equality, Dr. Erica champions women’s empowerment initiatives, leveraging her leadership acumen to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in leadership roles across the education sector and in life situations.

Public Speaking:

Dr. Erica is a dynamic and influential public speaker, renowned for her ability to inspire and motivate audiences with compelling storytelling, thought-provoking insights, and actionable strategies for positive change.

Education Consulting:

Leveraging her extensive experience and expertise, Dr. Erica provides strategic education consulting services, partnering with schools, districts, and educational organizations to develop innovative solutions, implement effective strategies, and achieve sustainable growth and success

Organizational Development and Restructuring:

Dr. Erica specializes in organizational development and restructuring, helping educational institutions optimize their structures, processes, and systems to enhance effciency, effectiveness, and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment

Management and Leadership Qualities:

Dr. Erica embodies exemplary management and leadership qualities, including visionary thinking, strategic planning, decisive decision-making, effective policy- making, and a commitment to fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and accountability.

Communication Skills:

Dr. Erica possesses exceptional communication skills, enabling her to articulate complex ideas, build consensus, and inspire action among diverse stakeholders through clear, compelling, and empathetic communication.

Relate & Elevate

Find Inspiration & Support for Educators

Anchored 2 Teach

Anchored 2 Teach is a leading consulting firm in the United States, dedicated to catalyzing change within the education system through their comprehensive 7-step framework. They begin with a meticulous needs assessment research, followed by the development of robust strategies to address core issues directly impacting profitability, resource management, teacher empowerment, educational quality, student engagement, work ethics, and cultural transformation. Their services are delivered by esteemed consultants and specialists with international experience in change management, organizational development, process restructuring, teacher training, cultural reform, in-class support, coaching, data-driven decision-making, relationship management, curriculum development, and fostering a climate conducive to creative teaching and workplace harmony.

Anchored 2 Teach is on a mission to solve a complex and deep rooted problem in the education sector. In the majority of schools, the core issue is a multifaceted array of gaps, culminating in a culture of demotivated teachers that significantly undermines organizational efficiency and educational quality. Consequently, students bear the brunt, and the future of our nation teeters on the brink of failure.

Advocacy for Teachers Wellbeing

Throughout her illustrious nearly three decades career in the educational sector, Dr. Erica has been a steadfast advocate for the well-being of teachers, investing countless hours and personal resources to raise awareness about their indispensable role in nation-building. Recognizing the pivotal importance of respecting, recognizing, and empowering teachers, she has tirelessly championed their cause, advocating for financial prosperity, skill development, continuous training, opportunities for inclusion, and leadership

Drawing from her nearly two decades of firsthand experience as a teacher in a district private school in Alabama, Dr. Erica has intimately observed the need for cultural and environmental improvements within educational institutions. She has witnessed the detrimental impact of complacent management structures and misallocated funds not only on teachers but also on students and the future of the nation. Dr. Erica firmly asserts that teachers hold the central role in shaping the trajectory of institutions and society at large. Neglecting their mental health, financial prosperity, career paths, and support systems reverberates throughout the entire nation.

Hosting monthly teachers’ community meet-ups, Dr. Erica bears witness to the harrowing challenges and struggles faced by educators, both personally and professionally. Disturbed by the lack of adequate support systems for teachers’ well-being and prosperity, she has amplified their voices on local and international platforms, galvanizing a formidable community of educators.

Yet, Dr. Erica’s advocacy extends beyond mere awareness-raising. Armed with her proprietary consulting frameworks, she has devised practical solutions tailored for implementation in schools and customized programs designed to empower teachers and enhance their quality of life. The tangible impact of her initiatives has transformed the lives of thousands of educators and continues to resonate internationally, solidifying Dr. Erica’s legacy as a beacon of positive change in the educational landscape.

The following practical steps demonstrate Dr. Erica’s commitment to advocating for teachers and driving meaningful change within the education sector.

Hosting monthly teachers’ community meet-ups to provide a platform for educators to voice their challenges and concerns

Launching awareness campaigns to highlight the critical role of teachers in nation-building and the importance of supporting their well-being.

Delivering keynote speeches and participating in panel discussions at local and international events to raise awareness about teachers’ needs and challenges.

Developing proprietary consulting frameworks designed to address systemic issues within educational institutions and empower teachers.

Designing customized programs and workshops aimed at enhancing teachers’ skills, well-being, and professional development.

Engaging in advocacy efforts to lobby for policy changes and institutional reforms that prioritize teachers’ rights, recognition, and support.

Advocating for appropriate allocation of resources within schools to ensure teachers have access to necessary tools, training, and support systems.

Establishing mentorship programs to pair experienced educators with newer teachers, fostering a culture of support and collaboration within schools.

Forming collaborative partnerships with educational organizations, government agencies, and community stakeholders to address systemic challenges facing teachers.

Mobilizing grassroots efforts to empower teachers to advocate for their own rights and well-being, fostering a sense of solidarity and collective action

Launching a podcast series dedicated to addressing topics related to education, teacher well-being, and empowerment, providing a platform for educators to share their stories and insights.

Organizing innovative workshops and seminars that incorporate creative teaching methods, technology integration, and mindfulness practices to support teacher growth and development.

Hosting teacher appreciation events and recognition ceremonies to celebrate the contributions and achievements of educators within the community.

Establishing an online resource hub featuring articles, videos, and resources focused on teacher support, professional development, and well-being, accessible to educators worldwide.

Launching social media campaigns to promote teacher advocacy, share success stories, and foster dialogue around important issues affecting educators.

Giving Back

A significant portion of our profits are allocated each year to fund the professional development programs of teachers operating in small towns and underserved communities.

Dr. Erica is committed to her mission and has trained over 1,000 teachers completely for free sponsored by Anchored 2 Teach through her “DARE 2 Be Great Academy” program. She has turned a multitude of teachers into education consultants at Anchored 2 Teach who work part time to earn an extra income for creating an impact in the lives of many.

The focus of our corporate social responsibility is aimed to extend our services in Africa and other developing countries so young students can rise to secure their future through the RESPECT framework being implemented in International public schools.

Bestselling Publications

Redefine Your Purpose
and Gain Peace:

“Redefine Your Purpose and Gain Peace” by Dr. Erica offers transformative insights and practical guidance to help you rediscover your life’s purpose and find inner peace amidst life’s challenges.

Redefine Your Purpose and Gain Peace with Dr. Erica:

The Notebook:

Teacher Triumphs Unveiled” is a powerful resource for educators, offering effective organizational tools and strategies to optimize productivity and streamline workflow, ensuring academic success in the classroom.

The Academic Planner:

A compilation of testimonies from women who have pushed through obstacles to reach their goals in business, love or life. The book is introduced by two male foreword authors who serve as ambassadors for women in seior leadership